Welcome to the Blockchain Foundations website. If you are studying the mathematical foundations of blockchains, this website will provide you with materials for learning – a crash course on how the cryptography works.
To get started, you will find a three hour introductory lecture on proving the security of blockchain protocols. This is a thorough overview of the GKL (Bitcoin backbone) paper.
Then, there is also a video of a presentation on the Ouroboros Proof-of-Stake protocol. Coming soon are more papers and slides, and there are plans to expand this website to full set of educational materials
including resources for student learning such as exercises.
View Presentation Slides
AK PoS Ouroboros talk Feb 2017.pdf
View Presentation Slides

IOHK & Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Winter School on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technologies
Winter School on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technologies
IOHK, a leading blockchain research and development company and the University of Edinburgh, today announced the establishment of a Blockchain Technology Laboratory within the university’s School of Informatics. The lab will bring together academics and students to collaborate on blockchain research and development with a focus on industry inspired problems. The laboratory’s launch event will be held at the University of Edinburgh on February 24, 2017.

Ouroboros: A Provably Secure Proof-of-Stake Blockchain Protocol
Mathematicians with a curiosity about the algorithms behind blockchain came to hear Aggelos Kiayias speak at Oxford university’s
Mathematicians with a curiosity about the algorithms behind blockchain came to hear Aggelos Kiayias speak at Oxford university’s
Secure Decentralized Blockchains without Proofs of Work
By Aggelos Kiayias, Chief scientist IOHK.
By Aggelos Kiayias, Chief scientist IOHK.